This regular expressions list is only for the Function "BadChannelNameCheck" and "BadNicknameCheck"!
Here you will find some regular expressions for the. If you have more ideas feel free to send your regular expression over the Chat Function, thanks!
The Word Variation Options
Nigger .*[N|n][i!1](g|gg)er.*
Hitler .*[H|h][i!1]tler.*
Nazi .*[N!n][a@4]z[i!1].*
Domains 1/2 .*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{2,}).*(\.)(de|eu|com|net|io|ru|org|fr|pl|uk|nl|ch)(\ .*|).*
Domains 2/2 .*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{2,}).*(\.)(xyz|ovh|network|int|edu|gov|mil|arpa)(\ .*|).*
Amk .*[Aa@]mk.*
Arsch .*[Aa4]rsch.*
Admin .*[Aa4]dm[i1]n.*
Vagina .*v[a4]g[i1!]n[a4].*
Schwuchtel .*[s$5]wucht[e3]l.*
Hurensohn .*[H|h]ur[e3]ns[o0]hn.*
Hure .*[H|h]ur[e3].*
Wichser .*[W|w][i!1]chs[3e]r.*
Führer .*[F|f][üu]hrer.*
Ass .*[a@][s\$][s\$]$.*
Assholes .*[a@][s\$][s\$]h[o0][l1][e3][s\$].*
Asshole .*[a@][s\$][s\$]h[o0][l1][e3].*
Bastard .*[B|b][a@][s\$][t\+][a@]rd.*
Bitch .*[B|b][i1][T\+|t\+][C|c][H|h][s\$]?.*
5 or more of the same characters .*(.)\1{4,}.*
Community List

You have suggestions for "malicious names"? You can suggest it below, we will check your proposal as soon as possible and add it to the list!
The Word Variation Options
.gl ( und .ly ( .*([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{2,}).*(\.)(ly|gl)(\ .*|).*
HandOfBlood .*H[a|4]nd[o|O|0]fB[l|1][o|O|0][o|O|0]d.*
Ban of the Emojis .*([\u2600-\u26FF\u2700-\u27BF\uFE00-\uFE0F]|\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDE4F\uDE80-\uDEFF]|\uD83E[\uDD00-\uDDFF]).*
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